Help with size
We are happy to help you in finding your correct finger size. If this page is not helpful enough for you, please message us with any further questions.
You can find a cheap sizer as a product in our webshop, or on the bottom of this page. If you order this, use the video below, which helps you understand how to use it and get your size.
If you want a faster way to get your size, please follow the steps below:
- Visit 2-3 jewelry store and ask for their help with sizing. If two of them says the same size at the end, you can be sure about it. Note that for the best result use a sizer same width like your planned ring will be (for example 5mm).
- If you are shopping for your partner or buying our ring as a present, try to “steal” one of the rings of her/him and measure it in a store. (The measurable ring must fit to on the same finger like the new one will be gifted to.)
However the ring sizes might appear in different forms depending on your homeland. Because of this, the size system we use (millimeters) can be unknown for you. To avoid misunderstandings coming from this, use this spreadsheet below. With this you can transform from any popular sizing system to another one. if you got your size for example in inches, you can read the millimeters version of that and so on:

Fordos Jewelry
Ring sizer